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Before We Were Yours (2017)

By Lisa Wingate

Read from July 18, 2021 to August 15, 2021.

Avg Rating: 4.00/5

Favorite Quotes

  • In my multifold years of life, I have learned that most people get along as best they can. They don’t intend to hurt anyone. It is merely a terrible by-product of surviving. 

  • “...but I feel something I don’t want to feel. It winds through me, languid and warm, noticeable like a tide pool on a summer evening after the air has cooled. I swirl a toe in the waters, feel myself blush. The other side of his mouth curves upward into a smile, and a strange sensation travels all the way to my toes. It’s like lightning crackling far off over the water–something unpredictable and dangerous.” - Avery Stafford

  • “Life is not unlike cinema. Each scene has its own music, and the music is created for the scene, woven to it in ways we do not understand. No matter how much we may love the melody of a bygone day or imagine the song of a future one, we must dance within the music of today, or we will always be out of step, stumbling around in something that doesn’t suit the moment.” - Rill Foss/May Crandall

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